QCGN Justice Project Moves Online

As of March 2022, English-speaking Quebecers have a new way to learn about their rights. The Access to Justice in English project, operated by the Quebec Community Groups Network and funded by Justice Canada, has launched a website that offers free information and resources to those who need them.
The website informs English-speaking Quebecers about their rights to receive services in English and provides them with information and resources that will enable them to access justice in English where possible, and to obtain support and guidance where needed.

The site is designed as a two-way communication platform, with community members invited to share their experiences and feedback. This information will help improve the Access to Justice in English website by ensuring the information presented is as clear, accurate and relevant as possible to the needs of the community. Your feedback could also help guide the project’s ongoing research.

There are four main sections to the website.
My Rights to Access Services in English offers information on legal rights in different areas of law, with a focus on English-language rights. To learn more about your rights within a particular area of law, choose an area of interest from the filter buttons. You will see a list of topics within the area of law that you selected. Click “Read More” to find out more about a topic that interests you. From there, you can click to expand each of the sub-topics that appear.
Initially, the “My Rights” section will focus on rights to service in English within five areas of law: housing, employment, immigration, family law, and criminal law. We intend to expand this offering over the coming months.
Justice Project Updates and Resources: Visit this section to see what the Access to Justice in English project is working on. You can filter the updates by year, going all the way back to the project’s inception in 2018. News about our work strengthening access to justice in English will be featured here, including new data, reports, mandates, partnerships.
My Access to Justice in English Experience is an invitation for you to share your opinion about your experience accessing public services in English in Quebec by taking a short survey. Your participation is anonymous and confidential. Findings will help us gain a better understanding of how English-speaking Quebecers navigate the web of public services in the province – and where there may be room for improvement.
Access to Justice by Topic: Online Resources: This section is designed as a one-stop guide to legal information resources in Quebec. Similarly to the My Rights and Justice Project Updates sections, you can filter your search by areas of law and selecting a topic to see the resources available. A wide variety of resources are available to you, from legal clinics to online legal information websites. Where possible, resources are available in English. In cases where online resources for a specific topic are only available in French, this is indicated in the listing.
Helpful Hints
You can return to the homepage at any point by clicking Justice Main Page, top right. Look for the orange menu bar at the top of the page you are on.

When new content is posted, we will link to it in the scrolling images at the top of the homepage. Be sure to take a look to see what’s new!

To visit the QCGN website, click the QCGN logo in the upper left corner of any page. 

QCGN hopes that the website will foster community dialogue on access to justice issues. There are several ways that visitors to the site can get involved: they can share their experiences by taking a short survey, emailing the project team at accesstojustice@qcgn.ca, or tweeting us @QCGNJustice. 

Any comments or feedback about the Access to Justice in English website are welcome at accesstojustice@qcgn.ca